Medical Unfitness Cases

    Infectious diseases

  1. Positive Human Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS).
  2. Positive Hepatitis (B) Surface Antigen (HBs Ag).
  3. Positive Anti Hepatitis (C) Virus (Anti-HCV).
  4. Microfilaria and Malaria.
  5. Leprosy.
  6. Open Tuberculosis
  7. Any abnormal changes on the chest x-ray, indicating past pulmonary tuberculosis, including but not limited to:
  1. Pulmonary cavitation, fibrosis, and pulmonary calcification.
  2. Pleural effusion or condensation.
  3. Lymphadenopathy

Non-communicable diseases

  1. Renal Failure.
  2. Liver Failure.
  3. Heart Failure.
  4. Uncontrolled hypertension with end organ damage.
  5. Uncontrolled diabetes with end organ damage.
  6. Cancer of All Types.
  7. Psychiatric and neurological disorders.
  8. Any distortion, amputation or physical disability impeding the performance of work.
  9. Hemoglobin below 7g/dL.
  10. Uncontrolled chronic respiratory diseases.


  • Pregnancy if the expatriate is applying for a work visa.